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Carolina Conceptions Duke Fertility Center

Negocios en Clínica de reproducción asistida:

1. Atlantic Reproductive Medicine Specialists - Durham

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10208 Cerny St #306, Raleigh, NC 27617, Estados Unidos

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2. Carolina Conceptions - Raleigh



· 190 reseñas

2601 Lake Dr #301, Raleigh, NC 27607, Estados Unidos

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Claire Almay: My husband and I came to Carolina Conceptions after 2 years of trying to conceive. We felt like all chances were lost, but we regained hope after several meetings and tests were completed by Dr. Bowling. After 7 months of treatments (medication, trigger shot, lots of tears and prayers), we conceived our two healthy twin boys! We could not be happier with the treatment and empathy we were provided through Carolina Conceptions, we will forever be grateful that we got to grow our family in this imperfectly perfect way.
Michele Kerns: I’ve been a patient a Carolina conceptions since 2019. I was seen by Dr.Bowling and she did a full work-up I was found to have a uterine septum and endometriosis. The best treatment for me was to do IVF I moved forward with this treatment and at first I wanted to wait we used other treatment options like medication first. I was able to successfully get pregnant through IVF. Dr. Bowling was very patient with me I really was negative and didn’t think I would be a mom but she always encouraged me to keep trying! She told me “women that become mothers don’t give up” so I didn’t give up! I highly recommend this clinic. Dr Parker is also very nice and knowledgeable I was seen with him a few times. The office staff is very friendly and my favorite nurse was Courtney she is very compassionate and knowledgeable about infertility. I also really connected with Sandra the financial supervisor she is very down to earth! And easy to talk too! I also recommend to look on the CDC before choosing a fertility clinic you’ll find that this is one of the best in NC.
Emilee Rutter: Highly recommend Carolina Conceptions! We had the best experience working with Dr. Johnson, as well as Dr. Park and NP Karen & PA Lexie. Every visit we were welcomed with positivity from the front desk staff and continuous support from the lab techs and nurses. After three medicated IUI cycles, we are expecting our first baby thanks to the help of the incredible CC team!
Zhara Hall: After 3 losses and multiple doctors, going to Dr. Johnson and going through our options was our best choice. She went over every diagnostic, option, and answered all our questions. Now my husband and I are expecting our first baby with their help and we can't be happier! I'm so sad to be moving on to my regular OB but very thankful this team was here for my family.
F: Only out to get the consultation fee. Save your money.
Daniel Haithcox: We wish we had come here first! We had been working with another clinic previously, and Carolina Conceptions is so much better. The folks here, from the front office staff to the nurses, doctors, and other staff members, are total pros, helpful, sensitive, empathetic, and understanding. They have made what can be such an overwhelming process so much more easy to handle, and the support they provide is so genuine and effective. Thank you!
D Daniel: This practice is amazing. Great communication and service throughout our whole process of undergoing IUI from everyone that we encountered. Extra HUGE shoutout to our nurse, Mrs. Karen, for taking great care of us and being so incredibly patient and informative. We could not be more happy with the level of care rendered here. This was our very first IUI cycle and it worked!!!! Thank you Carolina Conceptions!
Lilia Ramirez: I absolutely love Carolina Conceptions, infertility has been a very long journey for my husband and I about 19 years. Dr. Parks office was the best decision I could have ever made, Thank you to Dr Park & his wonderful team here. This process was not an easy process, the stuff were always friendly and welcoming. Made you feel so comfortable in being able to talk to them. We are enjoying our little bundle of joy, she is 7 months now. I highly reccomend Carolina Conceptions if you are trying to conceive, Dreams do come true here at CAROLINA CONCEPTIONS.
Emily Carletto: As a first-year medical student, I had the privilege of shadowing some of the physicians, PA’s, and nurses at Carolina Conceptions. I was thoroughly impressed at how well the practice is run. Throughout my time observing, I was welcomed and treated with respect by everyone working there. The staff is extremely compassionate and works hard to meet the needs of each patient.
Khaoula Jabour: El peor servicio... pasé meses solo para obtener una cita... después de la consulta no presentaron el reclamo, así que pagué todo de mi bolsillo... mi seguro ha estado tratando de comunicarse con el sobre el reclamo, también dejé una voz mensaje para ellos pero nadie contesta!!!!
Christopher Luntz: No toma Tricare.
Rebekah Bibb: A principios de este año intenté 5 rondas iui a través de CC. No doy dos estrellas porque no funcionaron. Con mi diagnóstico de obstrucción de las trompas de Falopio, la IIU era una posibilidad remota. Mi revisión se basa en varios problemas constantes que tuve durante esos 5 meses.El primero fue con la facturación. Cuando comencé, había un generoso descuento militar, pero desapareció sin previo aviso y los precios aumentaron drásticamente. También siempre parecía tener problemas con el pago o con la facturación.En segundo lugar, solo hablé con mi médico en la consulta y para un procedimiento de iui. Aparte de esas dos veces, obtuve la opinión de quienquiera que estuviera allí ese día. Si quería la opinión de mi médico real o la confirmación de que ella estaba de acuerdo con la opinión del médico actual, tenía que programar una cita con ella y pagar extra solo por su confirmación.El tercer problema que tuve fue con los ultrasonidos. Tengo una trompa de Falopio izquierda bloqueada, pero debido a un riñón derecho débil, mi ovario izquierdo lamentablemente fue el campeón de la ovulación. Todos los meses encontramos que mi ovario izquierdo tenía los folículos más grandes, mientras que mi ovario derecho solo tenía el folículo más grande en menos uno de los 5 meses. Casi sin fallar, todos los técnicos de ultrasonido se emocionarían al mirar el ovario izquierdo y dirían: "¡Tienes algunos grandes aquí!" Inmediatamente me sentiría aliviado pensando que realmente tenía una oportunidad. Pero luego recordarían que mi tubo izquierdo está bloqueado y dirían: "Oh, pero el tubo izquierdo está bloqueado, ¿verdad?" O tendría que decirles que el tubo izquierdo está bloqueado. Es casi como si nadie leyera mi gráfico, lo que me envió a una montaña rusa emocional que sería completamente evitable. Recuerdo tener que explicar mi bloqueo a varios técnicos.El cuarto problema que tuve fue con los registros. Terminé mudándome poco después de la última IIU fallida y estaba planeando hacer FIV en una nueva clínica. Solicité mis registros para mí y para mi nueva clínica. Esperé las dos semanas, y nunca fueron enviados. Una vez que me dieron seguimiento, me dijeron que completara los formularios que ya envié. Dejé en claro que ya estaba hecho. Solo entonces se dieron cuenta de esto y enviaron mis registros de inmediato. Sin embargo, mis registros solo contenían la información de mi consulta inicial. No tenía nada sobre mis 5 intentos de iui, incluidos medicamentos, folículos o si se realizó una iui. Tuve que usar capturas de pantalla de mi portal para obtener esta información. En general, me sentí como un número y mis problemas de salud específicos nunca se abordaron o probaron por completo.Terminé en una clínica en el norte de VA y la FIV resultó en mi primer embarazo. Tuve la mejor experiencia en esta clínica.CC es bueno si recién está comenzando, pero si siente que necesita atención más especializada, no tenga miedo de obtener una segunda opinión. He tenido tres amigos, todos comenzaron en CC y todos hemos ido a otras clínicas.
Autumn Fox: ¡El Dr. Meyer, el Dr. Park, Megan y el personal son maravillosos! Concebimos a nuestros gemelos IUI después de nuestra segunda IUI. Nos encanta la atención que recibimos durante y después de nuestra IIU. ¡Definitivamente lo recomiendo!
Raymond F: Este lugar es la peor clínica de fertilidad. Nos trataron como un número y nos apresuramos a realizar la costosa consulta. Ni siquiera contestaron ninguna de nuestras preguntas. Era más como hablar con un abogado que con un médico.El verdadero punto de frustración es cuando estábamos haciendo nuestra consulta con finanzas y preguntamos "bueno, ¿cuánto será esto"? La persona de finanzas se levantó y pudimos escucharla hablando mal de nosotros en el pasillo con otro empleado criticándonos por preguntar el costo en lugar de simplemente comenzar.Editar: y la vaga respuesta genérica es exactamente de lo que estoy hablando con este lugar. ¡Gastamos $ 1,000 solo en pruebas y cada factura fue una sorpresa ya que CRITICARON CADA VEZ QUE HACÍAMOS ALGUNA PREGUNTA! ¡UN LUGAR MÉDICO QUE NO PERMITE NINGUNA PREGUNTA DEL PACIENTE DEBE SER CERRADO!UNC FERTILITY ES MUCHO MEJOR DE LO QUE ESTE LUGAR PODRÍA SER.
Alyssa Hale: El peor consultorio médico en el que he estado también. No espere REALMENTE ver a su médico aquí. Las enfermeras realizarán sus ecografías, lo que significa que se perderán si tiene un pólipo que actúa como un DIU DESPUÉS de haber realizado muchas rondas de costosos tratamientos de IIU. Además, quienquiera que te haga la ecografía, tienes que decirle realmente por qué estás allí porque no mirarán tu historial antes de verte. Solicitar ver a su médico en el consultorio no lo llevará a ninguna parte, debe esperar hasta que él / ella pueda llamarlo para que haya otros 100 $ por una llamada telefónica de menos de 5 minutos. Las dosis de medicamentos cambiarán aleatoriamente sin siquiera consultar al paciente.PD. No ofrezcas más descuentos militares, si eres como yo y ni siquiera recibiste un aviso.
Jade Reilly: ¡Tuvimos una experiencia maravillosa con Carolina Conceptions! El Dr. Park y todo el personal fueron extremadamente amables y profesionales durante todo el tiempo que trabajamos con su equipo. ¡Estaremos eternamente agradecidos por la familia que creamos con su ayuda!
Olivia Blankenmyer: Son uno de los mejores en esta área. Los médicos y el personal con los que trabajé eran profesionales, eficientes y bien informados. Mi médico, el Dr. Park, es extremadamente paciente y escucha sus necesidades. También es uno de los endocrinólogos con una revisión de 5 estrellas en United Health Database. Me acabo de graduar de la clínica y espero volver a trabajar con ellos en el futuro.
Shelly Freeman: Tuve una consulta con Carolina Conceptions antes de que estuviéramos listos para comenzar a intentarlo debido a una condición médica que causa problemas de fertilidad. En ese momento solo quería saber mis opciones. Me aconsejaron que perdiera 12 libras para estar en el rango de peso óptimo y me dijeron que ayudaría a la frecuencia de mi ovulación (no me hicieron análisis de sangre para saber si estaba ovulando o no). Avance rápido hasta un año después, comenzó el covid, no había perdido peso. Dado que pesaba 12 libras, no pensé que fuera un factor decisivo. Tuve una segunda cita para comenzar el proceso y me dijeron que la política de su clínica era no trabajar con pacientes con un IMC determinado. Esta fue la primera vez que escuché esto. Me dijeron que las personas con cuerpos más grandes tienen más probabilidades de tener presión arterial alta, colesterol alto, diabetes, etc. Si bien eso puede ser cierto, no tengo ninguna de esas cosas. Cuando le comenté a la Dra que esas eran las estadísticas, pero yo como la paciente no las tenía me dijo que no importaba porque era política de la clínica. Ella dijo que era menos probable que pudiera llevar un bebé a término según las estadísticas de las condiciones de salud (nuevamente, ninguna de las cuales tengo). Desde entonces, me sometí a FIV con Duke Fertility y tengo un bebé sano. Carolina Conceptions tiene esta política para reforzar sus estadísticas de nacidos vivos. Si una clínica solo acepta pacientes "fáciles", será menos probable que tengan problemas. Le pediría a la clínica que haga pública esta política para que los pacientes no pierdan su tiempo y dinero reuniéndose con médicos que no tienen intención de tratarlos. Esta práctica no apoya la salud en todos los tamaños. Si usted o su pareja tienen un cuerpo más grande o si la atención médica equitativa es importante para usted, busque en otra parte.
Jesseca Taylor: . She was very thorough. We decided to postpone an initial visit due to covid. In August 2020, I called and spoke with someone in scheduling. She said I needed to fill out paperwork before she could schedule an appointment. I never received the email with the paperwork. I found out a few days later that I was pregnant, so I didn't need an appointment anyway. Fast forward to October/November 2021, my provider sent a referral to have a procedure done at this clinic. I followed up via phone call, and I was sent forms to fill out via email. After completing the paperwork, I also emailed and followed by phone (left a voicemail
Rachel Carpenter: Mi esposo y yo recibimos una atención excelente en Carolina Conceptions durante todo nuestro viaje con la infertilidad. Los médicos, las enfermeras, el personal administrativo y de facturación fueron muy receptivos y serviciales con todas y cada una de las preguntas de manera muy oportuna. El Dr. Park fue muy cariñoso, directo y se aseguró de informarnos sobre todas nuestras opciones en el camino. ¡Acabamos de dar la bienvenida a nuestro hijo y nunca podremos expresar lo agradecidos que estamos con esta clínica!
Taylor Garner: Carolina Conceptions ha hecho un gran trabajo administrando mi ciclo FET fuera del sitio con una instalación fuera del estado. El personal ha sido atento y amable. Al principio, dejé una reseña desfavorable por frustración y por no darles la oportunidad de cambiar. Después de trabajar con Carolina Conceptions por cerca de 6 meses, estoy seguro que mi experiencia inicial no fue un fiel reflejo de esta práctica. Los recomiendo para cualquier persona en este viaje.

3. Duke Fertility Center - Cary

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5601 Arringdon Park Dr Suite 210, Morrisville, NC 27560, Estados Unidos

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Kendrick Gonzalez: Money is their priority. Run!!!!
M Stokes: Amazing staff, we had a wonderful experience with a knowledgeable and compassionate staff. Highly recommend this clinic.
david goldberg: Still waiting three months after we were done with this place for our money for charges for services not rendered, after the procedure didn’t work and they provided no explanation to my significant other Just let her twist in the wind for over a week without even a phone call
Amanda Moore: Waited months for an appointment they called one month before told me it was telehealth or I had to wait another 3 months to be seen in person. If you read the reviews and get excited because the doctors are good don’t get your hopes up. Their practice managers and nurses are not sympathetic won’t address your concerns and will not help you look for alternatives when they essentially cancel your appointment. Please look elsewhere if you want to save yourself the worry and trouble.
rushfd69: More concerned about their stats to turn a profit versus helping people have families. I was told I was 3 months past their "deadline" and "donor egg" or look elsewhere. Even more so, all of my care is fully covered, so they wouldn't even have to worry about getting paid. I don't want to be a surrogate to a child my husband is having with someone else.
Laure Laura: I highly recommend Dr Price. He is very patient, knowledgeable and very carrying. He takes time to explain things.
Marie S: I tried to have low expectations but still felt disappointed at the first consult. Several OBGYNs had blown me off perviously and just kept referring me to a fertility center assuring me that's where I would get more answers/information/options. I was surprised how little even a fertility center seemed to take an interest in our situation. There were hardly any questions asked about our medical history. We got no suggestions on anything we could try as far as supplements or additional bloodwork or options to try on a next pregnancy.I had done a lot of research in preparation for this visit - within the first 5 minutes, I could tell this wasn't really going anywhere. I kept asking questions anyway, and just kept getting the same answers: "I am not familiar with that" or "There's not enough data to support that". It was disappointing there was just blanket statements of "there's no research for that" even though I had found many peer reviewed studies to suggest there may be benefits in trying x, y, z or at least the possibility of a correlation. The doctor showed no interest in any of that. When I made the appointment, the front desk assured me that these doctors were up on the research and were active in the university - and I was severely disappointed especially with this aspect of the visit.Obviously after waiting 2 months for this appointment and the emotional heaviness of the situation, it's frustrating to walk away with not much more than I had walking in. I left with the impression that this is not a center designed to have a team part of your TTC journey - it does not seem like they would help you monitor anything or offer any interventions (all my questions got "no" for an answer) - it seems mainly a system designed to solely get you on IVF without trying anything else beforehand. Any other things discussed in the appointment were things I had researched beforehand and had to bring up to ask about (which all got rejected).I even asked several times, "this is all you can offer.. I'm not really leaving with any suggestions here". (The ONE suggestion the doctor offered is something that I had already discussed with two different obgyns previously several months ago. If I had wanted that procedure, I could have done that awhile ago without this center. So they didn't offer me anything new or different.) On my way out, the front desk still tried to get me to schedule a 6-8 week follow up. What I would exactly be "following up on", I'm not sure.I was expecting very little, yet still hoped for something, and left with absolutely nothing.To be fair: the new facility is very clean and pretty. The front desk staff were very kind and polite and actually very welcoming. The nurse was very friendly was well. But I came for a bit more than that..How I can wait 2 months for an appointment, see a "specialist" in this area, and leave with absolutely nothing new -- is just mind-blowing to me.
Cee Emm: I'm updating this review after further treatment. We were with Duke Fertility for two years total; our experience in the second year was terrific. This may have been because we'd become more experienced patients; however, I feel like the level of care and follow-up (and physician contact) in 2022 improved.Old review (old location):You absolutely spend a lot of time with the nurses and have to be your own advocate (and specifically request to see your physician - it can be quite a wait to talk to a doctor) but unlike UNC they will TELL YOU HOW MUCH PROCEDURES COST if you can get their financial counselors on the phone. It's sad that that's currently my high bar - in any sane universe there would be public price sheets for self-pay procedures - but at least they'll tell you if you ask.
Jamie Schatz: Could not disagree more with the low rating of this facility. Duke Fertility deserves 5 stars! I've been with Duke Fertility for a full year and every aspect of my time with them has been wonderful. The staff is incredibly kind and responsive. The new facility is beautiful. The communication is always timely and thorough. The resources provided - from financial assistance, to mental care, to med prep, to insurance coverage - are above par. I felt truly seen and cared for as a person with unique circumstances instead of just another numbered patient. Dr. Acharya, Nurse Ashley, and Nurse Kim took exceptional care of me and I will highly recommend this facility to everyone I know seeking fertility care. Thank you, Duke Fertility Center!
atypicalnguyen: 1. Insensitive and arrogant. Yes, the nurses are arrogant. These poor women and myself who have experienced fertility issues have to experience the lack of empathy from the healthcare providers at this fertility center.2. Provide no background information about your treatment. No information about logistics and process. Just gives you a bunch of videos to review. You'll find yourself asking questions and getting frustrated.3. All calls go through voicemail. Little to no interaction with actual doctors.
sunny afternoon: This is a teaching clinic. Most of your procedures will be done by fellows. Your case is not responsible by a certain dr. You will be welcomed by the doctors but once you started you have very few chances to see your dr. So fellow is important but their information are not on the website and no review or record you can trace. Do not use Jessica. She has heavy hand but she does not care. I had 3D image with her and was so painful that I still remember now after it was done 1 year ago. Today, unfortunately my IUI was done by her again even though I requested an attending a couple times. Jessica did it with 40 minutes delay and told me the timing was not important. I searched online and there were research showing the time between sperm collection and IUI makes difference. Also the training of the professionals are needed. I could not get my blood drawn two days ago. Both the nurse and the fellow could not make it. I have no trouble with other clinics before. Very frustrated. The nurses are caring and responsible, the doctor I see is great but I wish I could be under her care not the fellow.
Amanda Barnett: I have been going here on/off for 4 years. I have a long history at Duke Fertility only because I didn't want to start with IVF and started out with less expensive/invasive options. The nurses are AMAZING and the Dr.'s are the most up to date on the research. Amy and the nurses have worked late hours and through the lunch hours to help me with financing or set me up with calendar/ special script requests. What I will say for those who left poor reviews is that it seemed they had expectations they would get a lot of time with their primary doctor. Frankly, the only area I could see being improved is addressing how care works in the clinic. The doctors are responsible to review the case, consult with patents/review history, create the plan of care, oversee the progress, do the implant procedures or egg extraction procedures (if doing IVF), or biopsys. You will work VERY closely with the nurses because they are the SUPERSTARS that tell you about the medication increases, the schedule of medicine and other important details. My nurse has singlehandedly gone out of her way to make sure I was injecting myself correctly, I had the proper tools and frankly cares deeply about her work. Dr. Price is VERY responsive on duke mychart and responds with any concerns and questions I have. I will also add that there are amazing support groups here for pregnancy loss. I highly recommend coming here if you are open to working with AMAZING nurses and Dr.'s who are up to date on the latest research. Also, I will add I'm successfully pregnant doing IVF. I am beyond thankful for this clinic and the staff!
Melissa Barnett: I was referred to Duke Fertility by my OBGYN. My first appointment with Dr. Price was via telehealth. He was knowledge, but blunt. He didn’t beat around the bush which was greatly appreciated it. He scheduled me blood work and an ultrasound. I have a severe needle phobia. I didn’t sleep the week before my appointment because of my anxiety. I paced the whole day of my appointment. I get to the clinic and freak out about the blood work. The staff was AMAZING. They took their time and made sure I was relaxed. Once I was relaxed Constance drew my blood and i didn’t feel a thing. She drew it on the first try.I have had multiple experiences calling this clinic for appointments and financial quotes. Everyone has replied quickly. I haven’t run into any issues. The google reviews for this place at not what I expected. Some of the reviews less than favorable. I highly suggest going to DF and making your own opinions. The care I received amazing and delivered with the upmost professionalism.
Stephanie Farmer: Stay away from Duke Fertility! Every negative review is 100% accurate. This clinic is poorly run, communication is terrible and after your initial consult, you are relegated to seeing fellows and have minimal MyChart based interactions with your doctor. I was here for over 6 months and saw my personal doctor one time. When a call delivering bad news had to be made, a fellow (who fumbled over her words and was incredibly insensitive and unable to answer my questions) delivered it, not my doctor. Dr. Acharya was wonderful, compassionate and helpful, however seeing her one time in 6 months is unacceptable. At Duke Fertility you are literally a number in the rotation of 3 different fellows who don’t know your name or situation. I did see Dr. Steiner for one visit and found her to be incredibly dismissive, rude and unprofessional. After two failed IUI’s I am transferring elsewhere to continue my treatment. If you want to receive compassionate and informed care, look elsewhere!
P G: stay away from Dr. Steiner - shares bad news through lab values and a duke message instead of speaking with you at your appointment and sharing your diagnosis. Very impersonal especially during a vulnerable time in your life. Praying for compassion
Usman Ahmad: I stert our first cycle it was very bad experience we lost money like 20000 thousand and thay uncompete our cycle when our cycle is stopped at middle after that thay don’t receiving callI call several time at appointment number at nursing’s number and also send voice messages but no body call backBe careful about duke fertility center
Micaela Laporte: El lugar es limpio y tranquilo. El personal de recepción era agradable. La gente parece tener máscaras, pero una de las enfermeras tenía una máscara de cirujano básica gastada con el tejido de la máscara descascarado, mientras que otras tienen máscaras más nuevas. Esto es confuso. No tenían prácticas de covid en su lugar. Proporcionaron una bomba desinfectante en la puerta y todo es normal.
Erin Elizabeth Mac: . When we finally decided to proceed with IVF, they walked me through the whole process and were extremely detail oriented, and really helped us understand the process. I was very nervous about the egg retrieval since I’ve had problems with procedures and sedation in the past, but they really put me at ease and are a well oiled machine there. Our little boy is due in September via IVF and we couldn’t be more grateful to the staff at Duke Fertility!(Traducido por Google
Samantha Rieger: and now DFC is saying I owe money without anyone ever contacting me back again leaving countless voicemails and emails. Duke billing says I have to talk to someone from DFC but good luck getting them to call me back. Thanks for sending it to collections and hurting my credit.(Traducido por Google
Anonymous GIRLLOVINGJESUS: Nos encanta Duke Fertility Center. Hicieron todo lo posible por nosotros. Fuimos aquí después de probar otro lugar que fue grosero e insensible a nuestros problemas de fertilidad. Estábamos nerviosos porque pasar por la FIV parecía aterrador, pero Duke fue un gran apoyo. Los médicos y las enfermeras siempre devuelven las llamadas telefónicas y responden las preguntas con confianza. El Dr. Muasher fue maravilloso y muy cariñoso. Incluso nos dijo que oraría por nosotros cuando tuvieran miedo de que yo estuviera en riesgo de perder a mi hijo mayor. Tuvimos que hacer 2 recuperaciones de FIV y 3 transferencias antes de quedar embarazada, pero ahora tenemos una niña de 4 años y otra de 12 semanas como resultado de nuestra última recuperación y las últimas 2 transferencias. Espero tener un hijo más en los próximos 2 a 3 años si Dios lo permite y definitivamente usaré a Duke nuevamente. De hecho, tengo una cita con el Dr. Eaton en un par de semanas para hablar sobre la recuperación de óvulos para congelarlos, de modo que estén disponibles cuando esté lista, ya que tengo casi 41 años y me temo que no tendré óvulos disponibles si espero hasta que están listos para transferir. El Dr. Eaton me operó para quitarme las trompas y tampoco tengo quejas al respecto.
Christina Barksdale: El Dr. Hurd, el Dr. Price, el Dr. Muasher y el Dr. Smeltzer son maravillosos. Enfermeras y personal de oficina amables y atentos. Le daría a toda la oficina una A++

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