Mejores Sivananda Yoga Raleigh Cerca De Mi, Abren Hoy

Iyengar Yoga Center of Raleigh Yoga Inspired Indigo Hot Yoga & Wellness Center blue lotus Midtown Yoga Gratitude Hot Yoga Center 110 Hot Yoga Arrichion Hot Yoga + Circuit Training Raleigh (Brier Creek) Cirque de Vol CorePower Yoga YoBa Studio Ashtanga Yoga School of Raleigh CorePower Yoga Alchemy Hot Yoga Bliss Body Yoga Gratitude Hot Yoga Center

1. Iyengar Yoga Center of Raleigh - Raleigh

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· 46 reseñas

613 W Morgan St, Raleigh, NC 27603, Estados Unidos

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Colby Purvis: Alixe es una gran maestra para la clase de Yoga para principiantes.
Sean Riley: Llevo aproximadamente tres años practicando yoga Iyengar con Graham, es una excelente profesora y ahora amiga. Graham te llevará al nivel que seas y te ayudará a ganar más movilidad y confianza física.
Carolyn Davis: He estado practicando yoga con Graham desde poco después de que abrió su práctica en Raleigh en 2008. Graham me ha dado herramientas para toda la vida. Con sus suaves recordatorios paso a paso, sé que estoy entrando y saliendo de cada pose de la manera correcta. Escucho su voz corrigiendo mi postura incluso cuando ella no está cerca. Proporciona poses alternativas según los desafíos físicos a los que me enfrento para ayudarme a aprovechar al máximo mi clase y garantizar que mi cuerpo no sufra ningún daño. Ella es una instructora increíble y nadie se acerca a la estructura y el entorno que ofrece. Estoy eternamente agradecido.
Ginger Deason: Graham es el mejor instructor de yoga que he tenido. Comencé a hacer yoga con ella en 2008 debido a mi escoliosis y dolor de espalda, y desde entonces he tomado clases en varias ciudades diferentes, pero nunca he tenido un maestro tan amable, dedicado y cariñoso como Graham. Su instrucción es directa y atractiva. No es tan dura como algunos profesores de Iyengar que he tenido. Desde que me fui de Raleigh la extrañé mucho, pero con la pandemia he podido tomar sus clases en línea y ¡son geniales también! Si estás pensando en inscribirte en sus clases, ¡HAZLO! ¡Ella es la mejor! ¡Gracias, Graham! 3
Jungin Hwang: Graham es un instructor amable, sensible y bien informado. Con sus 16 años de experiencia en la enseñanza, brinda instrucciones individualizadas para todas las habilidades y sus instrucciones verbales son muy claras y atractivas. Ella alienta a todos a traer conciencia al cuerpo en alineación con su capacidad. ¡Recomiendo encarecidamente las clases de yoga de Graham a cualquiera que quiera experimentar el yoga de una manera segura y también divertirse!
John Nardini: No puedo elogiar este estudio de yoga lo suficiente. Comencé a asistir a clases en febrero de 2020 como un novato completo en yoga, pero ahora se ha convertido en una parte integral de mi vida diaria gracias a la increíble instrucción de Graham. Graham puede brindar a cada estudiante una experiencia muy personalizada que se ajusta con precisión a sus necesidades, incluso durante las clases en línea. ¡Recomendaría este estudio a cualquier persona interesada en el yoga! Y a veces su perro se une a la clase :)
Siobhan Millen: Graham es el mejor! Ella comparte su amplio conocimiento con sus alumnos en una clase tranquila, inspiradora y segura, orientada a las habilidades de cada uno de sus alumnos. He practicado con ella durante más de una docena de años. Ella es simplemente la mejor maestra que he encontrado. ¡Y una persona muy amable para empezar!
Jessica Kasinoff: He estudiado Iyengar Yoga con Graham Williams durante once años y la considero una profesora excepcional. La pasión de Graham por el yoga Iyengar es admirable, al igual que su compromiso y dedicación para seguir aprendiendo. Ya sea en el estudio o en Zoom, Graham ofrece instrucción enfocada para que siempre salga de clase sintiéndome más presente, integrado y encarnado. Graham tiene el conocimiento para apoyarme en los momentos en que he tenido varias lesiones. ¡Su amabilidad no conoce límites y su sentido del humor es encantador! Graham hace todo lo posible para apoyar a los estudiantes y desea sinceramente que todos tengamos la mejor experiencia posible. Su sabiduría en el manejo de clases durante esta Pandemia es magistral. Graham tiene ofertas para satisfacer varios niveles de preferencia personal por la seguridad. Graham pone todo su corazón en su instrucción: ¡Soy afortunada de ser alumna de Graham!
Beth Peters: Este es un estudio de yoga dedicado a compartir el método de yoga Iyengar, una forma de yoga intensiva basada en la alineación. Hay clases disponibles para todos los niveles de experiencia en yoga. He dado clases en este estudio y se proporcionan todos los accesorios necesarios. Durante más de un año, principalmente he tomado las clases en Zoom porque estoy en Fayetteville. Graham es un instructor altamente capacitado, increíblemente profesional y concienzudo. Siento que recibo tanta orientación individual o modificaciones en Zoom como en el estudio. ¡Recomiendo encarecidamente el Centro de Yoga Iyengar de Raleigh para su experiencia de yoga!
Debra Ward: He estado practicando yoga Iyengar durante más de 15 años y estaba muy feliz cuando me mudé a Raleigh para saber que existía un estudio Iyengar. Graham es una excelente maestra, trabajará contigo si tienes alguna lesión o necesidades específicas. Muchos de los otros estudiantes de mi clase han estado asistiendo a sus clases durante mucho tiempo y solo tienen cosas positivas que decir sobre ella y sus enseñanzas. ¡Somos muy afortunados de tenerla en Raleigh!
Jody Probert: Si eres nuevo en Iyengar Yoga o un estudiante de yoga experimentado que busca una práctica basada en la alineación, ¡este es el estudio para ti! El conocimiento, la experiencia y la autenticidad de la práctica de Graham son inigualables. ¡Su atención y asistencia con los estudiantes en el estudio o virtualmente es increíble, junto con su calidez y sentido del humor hacen que los estudiantes regresen!
Emma Montaldo: but also self satisfaction . The instructor has your well being in mind and give close attention to each practitioner. This is very important to yoga practice as proper asana (pose
Philippe Gradt: Hazte un favor y únete a este estudio de yoga. Graham es un instructor excepcional y una persona maravillosa. Esta no es la típica clase de yoga en el gimnasio. Las lecciones se planifican cuidadosamente y usted está trabajando hacia poses y objetivos específicos. ¡Definitivamente lo recomiendo!
Patti Sadler: ¡Ojalá pudiera dar más de cinco estrellas! Graham es genial. Dedicada, conocedora, cariñosa y dedicada a su oficio. Siempre me siento mejor después de ir a una de sus clases.
Nancy Kitchener: A Graham le apasiona su práctica y la comparte con sus alumnos. Ella fue paciente con mis muchas limitaciones físicas. Ella siempre sugería poses alternativas.
Sasha Depew: ¡Graham es simplemente increíble! Es profesional, cariñosa y se da cuenta rápidamente si se necesitan modificaciones. Encontré el yoga Iyengar después de sufrir dolor de espalda y cuello después de un accidente automovilístico. Ha sido un cambio de vida para mí. ¡Tener un maestro de Iyengar tan bien informado como Graham ha sido invaluable! ¡Recomiendo encarecidamente este estudio!
Perla Antillana: . I have made it to Level I, I’m very excited. With each instruction & correction my flexibility & energy flow has improved. Stronger core, too.(Traducido por Google
Page Marsh: Graham es una maestra maravillosa que comparte su pasión por el yoga, lo que lo hace positivamente contagioso. Su entusiasmo no solo eleva tu espíritu, sino que su conocimiento del yoga Iyengar te empodera como estudiante; ella también permanece activa como estudiante, por lo que hace lo que dice. Recomiendo encarecidamente a Graham si eres nuevo en el yoga Iyengar y quieres aprender en un entorno en el que serás desafiado pero siempre aprenderás de forma segura evitando lesiones. Aprendemos a practicar y vivir nuestro yoga que ilumina la luz interior. Encuentro en la vida que un maestro simplemente puede hacer cualquier cosa especial; Graham es este maestro. Agradecida de que su espíritu y su conocimiento mejoren mi vida.
Adriana Zafirova: . Thank you, Graham for all that you do!(Traducido por Google
Maggie Heraty: in equal measure!(Traducido por Google
Sheryl Madden: Graham embodies the true authentic teaching of Iyengar. She is just what I needed to deepen my yoga practice. She challenges me in all the good ways yoga needs to be challenged while being safe.

2. Yoga Inspired - Raleigh



· 22 reseñas

7713 Lead Mine Rd Suite 3, Raleigh, NC 27615, Estados Unidos

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Erica Vogel: Mi experiencia favorita absoluta en Yoga Inspired fue el yoga aéreo para principiantes. Algunos de mis amigos y yo nos inscribimos en una clase de domingo por la mañana y nos divertimos mucho aprendiendo los conceptos básicos y colgándonos de las sedas. Definitivamente recomiendo esto como un día de chicas: reúne a tus amigas y sal a almorzar después. Nos divertimos mucho y tuvimos un sinfín de cosas de las que hablar después porque realmente es una experiencia única.Además, ¡me encanta que no sea yoga caliente! Siento que con toda la furia en torno al yoga caliente, es bueno ir a clase, practicar y salir con la sensación de que puedo salir al mundo sin necesidad de una ducha primero.El ambiente es cálido y acogedor, y las personas de todas las capacidades pueden venir a clases en Yoga Inspired y saber que los maestros están listos para ellos.
Natasha Votypka: Profesores increíbles y ambiente agradable.
angie crookenden: He sido miembro de Yoga Inspired durante varios años y descubrí que el simple hecho de cruzar las puertas y entrar al estudio me lleva a un lugar más pacífico en mi cuerpo y mente.El estudio ha crecido y ampliado su alcance comunitario y la amplitud de oportunidades para practicar y hacer conexiones. Yoga Inspired es un espacio acogedor, inclusivo y seguro.Los maestros están muy bien informados y dan la bienvenida a los principiantes, aunque son más que yoguis experimentados, y ofrecen modificaciones y ajustes según sea necesario.Estoy muy agradecido por Yoga Inspired y siempre estoy agradecido cuando puedo cruzar las puertas y practicar yoga allí.
Paige Bragdon: Si estás pensando en hacer una clase de Aeroyoga y sientes que no puedes o te sientes intimidado... ¡Debes hacerlo! ¡El yoga inspirado es excepcional en la enseñanza del yoga aéreo! Me sentí más alto y más ligero cuando me fui. ¡Tanta tensión aliviada de mi columna vertebral!¡¡Gracias, gracias, gracias!!
A Rob: Clases pequeñas, instructores súper agradables. ¡Amo este lugar!
Linda Williams: Mi estudio de yoga favorito. Grandes maestros con muchos animos para hacer todo lo que puedas. Gran entorno.
Mo: Tomé una clase de yoga aéreo 🧘‍♀️ con un grupo de amigos hoy. Permítanme decir que Heather fue simplemente increíble. ¡Uno de los mejores instructores que he tenido! La ubicación estaba limpia y tenía un ambiente agradable. ¡Realmente lo disfruté y planeo tomar clases adicionales en un futuro cercano!
Mary Hall: ¡Maravilloso estudio e instructores muy acogedores! Se han adaptado muy bien al 2020 con clases al aire libre, clases de zoom y clases de estudio pequeñas y enmascaradas. ¡Estoy haciendo el programa de Certificación de Yoga con Anil y él es increíble!
Lauren Griffiths: I booked Anil for a private small group, outdoor class for my birthday this weekend and it was fantastic! It was a pleasure setting up logistics with him and the day of went really well. My friends and I loved the class - he went at a pace we were all comfortable with, offered modifications where needed, and led us through a soothing and energizing flow. Everyone commented how great it was and that they were excited to take a real class once the studio opens. Thank you!!
Khaki Stelten: Great yoga studio, very clean and welcoming. They have definitely deepened my practice and given me the drive and inspiration to continue to grow and change on the mat.
Kathy Zappia: I didn't think I could keep up (given my age 😁) and enjoy yoga as much as I do at Yoga inspired! It has really helped my flexibility and strength. Very professional, kind and accepting staff. I highly recommend you give Yoga Inspired a try!
Samantha Smith: Became a big fan of the studio very quickly. I liked the variety of poses done in the classes; sometimes I’ll get too comfortable doing the same things repeatedly, and I felt like I got the opportunity to spread my wings a bit/get enough of a challenge without it being overwhelming. Very welcoming atmosphere and good vibes.
Deb Harrison: Wonderful space to practice yoga!
Gloria Hegarty: I love this yoga studio and that’s exactly what it is, a real studio which sticks to yoga and no other gimmicks. The owner is wonderful, and has such a heart for his clients. It’s a warm, comfortable and safe place to practice yoga with other like-minded yogis!!
Karen Bograd: Have been taking their Online classes during this trying times, and it has been a wonderful escape. I really needed time to myself, and a workout, and I am getting both. Thank you!
Ashley Katz: My absolute favorite yoga studio. The space is so clean and relaxing. The instructors make you feel comfortable and the fellow yogis are so welcoming.
Kayla Capitano: Not a fan of this studio. It wasn't very clean and staff was not friendly.
Rondi Goodman: Love yoga inspired. Calming, strengthening and peaceful practice here. As hard as you want and as gentle as you want. Warm and never stifling hot.
E R W: I hadn't done yoga in years and have been coming here for a couple of months. I've thoroughly enjoyed every instructor and class.
Emily Cochran: Enjoyed a drop-in class and their current BOGO deal! Will come back again.
Lee M: I dropped in since I’m visiting the area. A comfortable environment for any level of practice and friendly, welcoming staff. I’ll be here for a few more days and plan to return.Ps. Thanks for the free bobby pins. 😜

3. Indigo Hot Yoga & Wellness Center - Raleigh

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1028 Oberlin Rd #244, Raleigh, NC 27605, Estados Unidos

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4. blue lotus - Raleigh

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· 14 reseñas

401 N West St #105, Raleigh, NC 27603, Estados Unidos

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Robert Abbott: Best yoga studio. Inclusive and caring.
K. T.: I tried their free community class on Tuesday.I arrived early and the door was locked to protect the integrity of the last class which was scheduled until 1:00pm which I was fine with. It was freezing cold and windy outside so I was so relieved when they unlocked the door around 1:10. I asked at the desk if I needed to check in and she said yes, but to give them a few minutes as the last class was just leaving. I went to the restroom and then positioned myself in front of the front desk. The person behind the desk chit chatted with a customer for minutes on end ignoring me completely. I finally just picked out my spot and figured they would find me if it was important. It obviously wasn’t. I was not greeted or acknowledged by the front desk staff or the instructor at any point. The class was fine. No frills, no music. Possibly student led-it wasn’t clear. The front desk person sat behind the class clacking away on her laptop.I won’t be back.
Danielle Sacripante: I took a Divine Dance class for the first time in decades! It incorporated modern dance moves both on your feet and hugging the floor...teacher Glenda made me fluid and energized in a beautiful way! Great space, lovely people.
Lauren Yates: This yoga studio is too wonderful for words. Amazing space, teachers, and community.
Marla Broadfoot: Blue Lotus will always hold a special place in my heart. Before I discovered the studio, I had been practicing yoga for over a decade. I knew yoga made me feel better about myself — both my body and my mind — but I didn’t know why. Blue Lotus is where I discovered my why. That space — and those teachers — are great sources of wisdom, creativity, and compassion. I learn something new every time I practice there.
Lori Martin: Blue Lotus is not only a beautiful, welcoming yoga studio, but also a community of lovely souls -- both the teachers and the students. I was marginally interested in yoga for years, but once I tried a few classes at Blue Lotus, I was hooked. So much so that I ended up doing the 200-hour teacher training at Blue. I highly recommend Blue Lotus in downtown Raleigh for a complete yoga experience.
Kate K: Blue Lotus holds a very special place in my heart. From the very first time I walked through the doors I felt welcomed and at home. So much gratitude for this incredible studio and its teachers.
Carrie B: Blue Lotus is a special treasure of Raleigh. The studio is always filled with great energy and amazing instructors, who offer a wide array of classes, workshops and trainings that nourish body, mind and spirit. There is something for everyone at Blue Lotus.
Kristen Rae: Love this space to practice and to teach! A raleigh gem!!
Paul H: Great, knowledgeable, and friendly teachers who know how to teach safe yoga.
Barbara Mooty Vinson: Estudio atractivo. Equipo de bienvenida. Instructores conocedores y apasionados. Amplia selección de clases a lo largo del día en varios horarios. Si bien soy un yogui vinyasa caliente y no se ofrece yoga caliente en este estudio, aprecio la perspectiva y el enfoque de la práctica de yoga de Blue Lotus. Para aquellos que no están interesados ​​en el calor y la humedad, este es el lugar ideal para practicar yoga.
Chanelle Murráy: Realmente gran energía tan pronto como entras! No soy un asistente habitual ya que prefiero mi práctica en casa, pero cuando lo hago, me voy más instalado que cuando llegué. Los profesores son muy acogedores y perceptivos. Algo que me encanta de Blue Lotus es que cuando te registras en la parte delantera, tienen pasadores de madera con asistencia práctica en un lado y sin asistencia en el otro lado. Es una excelente manera de hacerles saber lo que estoy buscando durante una clase solo en función de cómo se voltea junto a mi tapete.
Lauren Pritchett: encourage strength and confidence in each student. In fact, I've had positive experiences with every teacher at Blue Lotus and recommend this studio to anyone looking to practice yoga in Raleigh.(Traducido por Google
Sara G: Me gusta mucho el loto azul. Tienen un hermoso estudio, maestros expertos y excelentes ofertas de clases.
Páginas relacionadas Centro de yoga:

5. Midtown Yoga - Raleigh

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200 Park at N Hills St Suite 111, Raleigh, NC 27609, Estados Unidos

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Brittany Montella: LOVE Midtown Yoga. It is like a 2nd home to me. If you are looking for challenging & intentional flows with an added bonus of community, this is the place for you.
Misty Richard: I don't think I ever sweated so much. Great workout!
Eva Hagan: midtown is such an inviting space to practice yoga! I love everyone I’ve met and always enjoy taking class
Jerrell Allen: I can’t rave enough about my experience here. The staff and ambiance is next level. Looking forward to my next visit!
Rachel Cannon Chase: Great sweat and best yoga flow in town! Love Midtown Yoga! Every class is different and high quality.
Emily Swade: The classes are uniquely challenging but can easily be altered to fit your abilities (that day and in general!) A really cool community of yogis and people just wanting to take time to stretch and unwind - you have to check out the happy hour class on Fridays!
chas kennedy: Best yoga class I’ve ever been to! Was in town for work 2 weeks ago and hit the early class. Was fantastic!
Zac Miklusak: I love coming to Midtown Yoga!! The community feel they’ve built among the teachers, staff and members is second to none. It’s the best part of my day!
Eric Enderson: The entire staff at Midtown Yoga is second to none! They are so welcoming and professional! The Manager is great and the instructors are fantastic! 10/10 recommend this place if you’re in the Triangle or visiting from out of town!
Matthew McCauley: Just got back into Yoga after about a 5 year hiatus. Couldn't be happier that I chose Mid Town as my new studio! The Manager, Brendan was extremely welcoming and made sure to make class recommendations that fit my needs. Super clean. Instructor classes are always different and have been awesome so far! would highly recommend.
Jennifer Rodriguez: ¡Amo este lugar! ¡He estado yendo durante casi un año!
Gabby Pinto: ¡ME ENCANTA el yoga de Midtown! El estudio está bien mantenido y me hace sentir relajado y seguro. Las clases de fuerza son un buen ejercicio: me encanta la combinación de yoga y entrenamiento con pesas y cardio. Hablar de un buen sudor! Se lo recomendaría a todos en cualquier etapa de su viaje de yoga / entrenamiento: los maestros ofrecen modificaciones para la mayoría de los ejercicios y lo alientan a escuchar su propio cuerpo e ir a su propio ritmo. ¡El personal es maravilloso!
Mike Fox: Midtown Yoga es un gran lugar. Me encanta. Sunday Unwind with Kate es increíble. Me encantan las clases de Hot Yoga lo mejor. Prueba este estudio. ¡¡¡¡¡Hurra!!!!!
Josie Miller: ¡Gran estudio!
John P. Hyland: Impresionante estudio / gente. El personal es increíblemente amable y servicial. Interior / ambiente realmente genial.
Tara Hyland: Me encantan las clases que tomo aquí y la comunidad: aumentó mi compromiso con el bienestar nuevamente. El estudio es tranquilo y limpio y me gusta la variedad de clases y las vibraciones de los diferentes instructores.Las toallas frías de lavanda que te dan al final de la clase, sin embargo, son los verdaderos MVP.
Mariel Kuehn: Gran ambiente y personal! Estudio muy limpio y bien cuidado. ¡Me encanta relajarme en Midtown Yoga!
Owen Callahan: Estaba de visita fuera de la ciudad y siempre he disfrutado del yoga caliente como un reinicio semanal. La gente fue genial aquí, y la clase fue increíble y desafiante. Definitivamente regresaré si alguna vez vuelvo a Raleigh.
Reilly McCloskey: ¡Este lugar es increíble! Tomé un par de clases de yoga caliente aquí y me sorprendieron sus instalaciones. El sonido, la iluminación y el estudio fueron los mejores que he visto en la zona. El personal fue muy amable y el instructor fue útil, ¡incluso para un principiante como yo! Definitivamente recomiendo probarlo sin importar la experiencia que tengas.
Michael Zittel: Excelente ubicación y personal fantástico. Estudio fácil de aparcar y limpiar. ¡He tenido la oportunidad de tomar algunos instructores diferentes, y todos han sido muy buenos!
Jake Summers: ¡El mejor estudio de yoga en Raleigh! Disfruté del maestro y del resto del personal, se lo recomendaría a cualquiera.

6. Gratitude Hot Yoga Center - Raleigh

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· 34 reseñas

10501 Shadowlawn Dr #109, Raleigh, NC 27614, Estados Unidos

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Andrew Hogan: Best yoga in town by far! I think I’m officially becoming a yogi. Romans skill level is so insane and Diana is also an incredible instructor. Glad I found this place
Hilary M: Friendly, welcoming staff in an intimate hot yoga studio I've been two classes with two different instructors that were very knowledgeable. Very nice touch that they offer towels for your yoga mat and for your face!
Connie Fowler: My girlfriend introduced me to Gratitude Hot Yoga and I was hooked from the first class. The teachers are very welcoming, open, and generous, and the practitioners are a fantastic community
Sara Mahler: A fabulous place to practice!!!
LESLIE BERMAN: congrats for Gratitude hot yoga center ...
Melissa Martinez: As a yoga teacher (and forever student) I am always looking for new studios whenever I travel to a new city. On a quick weekend trip to Raleigh to visit a family member, I was recommended Gratitude Hot Yoga and am so glad I went. Roman was a wonderful teacher with a gentle & welcoming energy. I felt right at home. The flow was well instructed and the perfect amount of ease and torch. I left the class feeling powerful and accomplished. I recommend this studio 1000%! If you’re in the Raleigh area definitely take the time to check this lovely studio out.
Lynn Gaskins: Iv been doing Yoga for several years but finally got up the nerve and courage to do hot yoga. I’m so glad I chose this studio to experience hot yoga for that 1st time. My class was a once in a lifetime experience. I will definitely continue to practice yoga at Gratitude.
Heather Bell Adams: I don't know what I would do without Gratitude Hot Yoga! I love it so much. Friendly, knowledgeable owner and yoga instructors. Challenging and rewarding class options. Clean and spacious studio. Convenient location. Y'all keep doing what you're doing! :)
Yoga Vibes YVWJ: I just moved to Raleigh and started exploring yoga studios. Gratitude hot yoga center was the most authentic yoga practice i have experienced so far. I want to express my gratitude to Roman the owner for his outstanding instruction and Laura for her warm welcome! Namaste
Kaley McClure: I started taking classes at Gratitude this year as a beginner and I am so happy I did! It’s difficult to find somewhere that you feel comfortable during the pandemic, but with the incredibly clean studio and welcoming, respectful people, I feel like I can actually let go and focus on the moment.I wasn’t sure if hot yoga would be for me. I would not say fitness is my passion, nor would I call myself flexible, but after exhausting myself with workouts that are too hard and damaging to my body, I gave it a try. Each class I’ve attended, I’ve felt encouraged and supported by not just the instructors, but also the other attendees. It isn’t about perfection, it’s about practice and listening to your body.If you’re on the fence, give it a try.
Julia Brown: I love Gratitude Hot Yoga! I've been going to Yoga places in the past but Gratitude Hot Yoga is by far the best one. Not only are the classes wonderful but I learned SO MUCH about the right posture, breathing, listening to my body, etc. from the amazing instructors which has helped me to improve my practice a lot. I'm so happy to have found this studio - highly recommend!
Baby Gains Training: Absolutely incredible! From the ambiance to the guidance of the instructor Charlie, it was the best studio I’ve visited. Highly recommend!
Amy Bonis: Luvvvv this place! Awesome instruction.
JK Mattox: Place is very dirty and the staff is unprofessional. Communication with pricing left a lot to be desired. I will not be back.
Jessica Phelps-Sims: This is my "special place."Julie's restorative class on Sunday is the perfect way to prep for the new week.
Tim & Julie Brouse: Just joined and couldn't be happier! Classes are challenging! Staff is super friendly, confidently professional and, dare I say, World Class. Facilities are clean and organized. Most importantly, the environment is hot, but not too dry and the sound system helps one enter into your yoga zone, without having to suffer through loud music. Imastay, Namaste!
B F: Best yoga classes in Raleigh. All the instructors are great, especially Roman. I've lived in Raleigh for 20+ years and practiced that long and this is the best studio hands down.
Megan Martin: Me and my husband used to go to gratitude. We loved the military discount they gave out as we are a military family. Last night my husband went and was told they will no longer be offering a military discount as they are becoming “an all inclusive hot yoga”. But yet they still offer student discounts. We will not be coming back.
Alicia Whitney: I returned to Gratitude after a two year hiatus for some hot yoga on a cold and rainy weekday and it was perfect. I was pleasantly surprised by the updates to the space. Not only is there one larger, combined studio, but the entryway has been refreshed and everything seems to flow much better (pun intended).I took the noon express class (a wonderful and time-savvy option for a working lunch break), and found the teacher (Maggie) to be warm, welcoming and gently helpful with my form. In addition, the studio's owner was quick to respond to an email inquiry that I had earlier that day. I already liked Gratitude, but now I might be in love. Will definitely be back soon!
Karen Sorenson: The best teachers! I always leave better then when I arrived and I am comfortable making each workout my own.
G De Joya: My wife and I have been going to Gratitude for several years now and we have enjoyed this very inclusive Yoga Community. I initially started going to yoga for it's physical benefits but have discovered over time that it's more than that. There is much self-discovery in yoga, and everyone's journey will be different. We were fortunate enough to find a community that is so warm and welcoming to students of all levels and backgrounds.

7. 110 Hot Yoga - Raleigh

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Red Hat Tower, 444 S Blount St STE 110, Raleigh, NC 27601, Estados Unidos

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8. Arrichion Hot Yoga + Circuit Training Raleigh (Brier Creek) - Raleigh

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· 54 reseñas

8606 Jersey Ct, Raleigh, NC 27617, Estados Unidos

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Rabia Rana: best location, best classes, and best teachers!!!
Emily Fornek: Classes are 35-45 minutes, which is a little short to me. Although 45 minutes seems long during hot pilates! All yoga/pilates classes are hot, which is not particularly well-advertised in my opinion. Yes, it says hot yoga on the door, but plenty of hot studios offer non-heated classes. Oh and make sure to bring a hot towel because one will not be provided for you. Additionally, I don’t think the yoga instructors are certified. They don’t use the correct name for some moves (or are demonstrating them incorrectly if they are really trying to do triangle) and if you want to stay for savasana, you have to stay after class. And good luck meditating when everyone is packing up.My biggest issue with the yoga/pilates classes though is that the instructors don’t change the classes… they just parrot back the same memorized material for every class. Which makes the studio kind of boring. It’s boring to do the same exact moves in the same exact order every Diamond class. Though I acknowledge that one benefit to doing this is you can see yourself progressive in the moves over time. But still, I’d rather work the same muscles in different ways and keep things interesting.For the circuit classes, they do change the moves from class to class. The main issue I have with these classes is that the instructors are so busy doing their own workout, they aren’t watching you… Meaning they don’t provide you any helpful information about form to make sure you aren’t going to hurt yourself. They don’t even take a few minutes at the beginning of the class to explain how each move should look, what to be careful of form-wise, etc. There is a demonstration of the moves on the TV though which is helpful when you need a mid-session refresh on what you should be doing.
Alice Lutz: I started taking classes with some apprehension that this would be a "young persons" studio. I am over 60- in fairly good shape, hike a lot and have done SOME yoga. There are participants of all ages and stages in life. The Diamond and Topaz classes are super accessible, helpful, and really work to help keep my muscles "stretched" . The heat in the studio is something I crave AND find helpful. The instructors have all been genuinely NICE, friendly and helpful. Give it a try -
Bob Warnock: Always a positive experience with great staff and a family atmosphere that allows a "go at your own pace" style. A staple in my overall health for over 12 years!
Cory T.: Arrichion’s Brier Creek studio was the first place I’ve ever done yoga (hot or otherwise), but I’m a few weeks in and already hooked! The classes are diverse and challenging, especially for beginners, but the instructors are supportive and helpful. I am feeling much better physically after just a few sessions. The class times are spaced so well that there’s definitely at least one daily class that’ll work for everyone (6:15 AM, noon, and several post-5 PM options M-F, along with weekend times). The space is also welcoming and clean, and everyone I’ve spoken to in the studio has been kind, encouraging, and non-judgmental. I will be converting my promo membership into a full one as soon as I can!
Chad Robertson: I have been doing hot yoga at Arrichion Brier Creek for about two weeks and it has been amazing. The Topaz class is perfect for beginners. Great class selection, friendly and professional staff. I highly recommend Arrichion Hot yoga.
Tina Coriale: Tried the promo pkg and enjoyed it so much that I am now a member and embracing the challenge! It is a challenge for me which I was looking for a yoga to bring me just that. It also helps with releasing tension from day to day activities, life, work etc… it is a faster pace Yoga. Love the “hot” yoga all the sweating and how good it is for the body releasing toxins. The instructors are amazing, helpful and everyone is so friendly! A very clean atmosphere and several different classes to choose from. Love this journey with Arrichion, you will too!
Ricci McKenna: Clean studio, great instructors, challenging classes. Circuit, strength training and yoga classes - all in one studio!
Suzanne Florey: I have really enjoyed trying out classes at Arrichion Brier Creek. The studio is clean and had plenty of room. I do like that there is a variety of classes to choose from, though I personally prefer “slower” yoga. So far my favorite instructors have been Titus and Emily. Both of them have a welcoming and calming presence. I would definitely recommend checking them out!
Michelle Poletti: You never know if you never try 😁You can take classes at your own pace. Great place to get fit!!
Cindy McMorris: This is my second home!Great staff!Wonderful music!Super workouts in each class!
Tonya Slagle: Being new to yoga, I was very intimidated to go in the first time. I walked out feeling a totally different way! Everyone is so encouraging and helpful. The instructors are the best! I have continued to go and learn so much never feeling like I am being left behind. Thank you Arrichion for challenging and fun workouts/yoga!
Amanda: Love love love it! Initially started with a special they were having to try out classes & I’ve been going ever since. All the instructors are great, classes are great + each class is different and unique. Sometimes going to a new gym can be intimidating but don’t feel that way about Arrichion! All different class levels so you can find one that fits your style, even if you’re a beginner!
Elisa Gomez: Honestly one of the best gyms in town! Clay, Jenna and the rest of the staff are super friendly and make you feel welcomed every single time! Couldn’t recommend this place more for anyone who is just looking for a fun (yet intense!!!) workout!
Anna Witkowsky: Positivo:Calidad
Amy Osborne: I’ve been attending classes at Arrichion for over 4 years. All the classes have a uniqueness that you won’t find anywhere else. The yoga classes are hot 🔥 and include challenges like pushup and ab series. The circuit classes are energetic and fast paced. Clay and Jenna, as well as all the other instructors, make the atmosphere friendly and welcoming. It’s more than just a studio or gym. It’s an encouraging ‘family’ of wonderful people.
Kelly Zimmerman: I’ve been attending classes at Arrichion for over 3 years and have loved every class. The teachers are great and it’s an amazing workout!
Taylor Kent: Best heat in charlotte 🔥🔥! Also it’s not just a stretch, you actually get a good workout too!!!
Amber Yandow: Personal amable y servicial. ¡Concepto único y divertido!
Alice Danzie: La nueva ubicación en Gateway Plaza es hermosa. Las ofertas virtuales son geniales. En general, una buena relación calidad-precio.
Amy Hill: Este estudio satisface todas mis necesidades de acondicionamiento físico con una fantástica comunidad de instructores y miembros con los que es muy alentador y divertido estar.El sistema que han diseñado ofrece una variedad de clases, desde yoga caliente hasta entrenamiento en circuito y Pilates, para abordar el entrenamiento de fuerza y ​​la flexibilidad. Ideal tanto para atletas como para principiantes.Los instructores son profesionales y saben cómo desafiar al atleta profesional y apoyar al principiante. Estas clases son CALIENTES y agresivas, pero accesibles para todos, ya que desarrollas resistencia, fuerza y ​​tolerancia al calor. Comprender qué clases hacen qué puede parecer un poco confuso al principio, pero he llegado a comprender y ver los beneficios físicos que obtengo de cada una de las clases individuales, cuando se usan juntas como un sistema.Encontré a Arrichion a través de un Groupon cuando me mudé al Triangle, y después de probar estudio tras estudio, me enganché de inmediato y nunca me fui. Su enfoque es muy diferente de cualquier otra experiencia de yoga en el área. He sido miembro durante más de tres años y todavía me siento desafiado todos los días, en cada clase, con cada instructor. Soy profesora de yoga certificada con un título en danza y una amplia experiencia en carreras. Ahora tengo más de 40 años y honestamente puedo decir que probablemente estoy en la mejor forma de mi vida como resultado de entrenar con estos muchachos.

9. Cirque de Vol - Raleigh

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300 W Hargett St #40, Raleigh, NC 27601

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Lauren Harper: I had such a fun time during lyra classes led by Mina. 10/10 recommend
Cris Taniguti: I was just visiting the city for one week and I did two aerial silk classes. The instructors are charismatic, experiment and careful. I had a great experience! Thanks!
Morgan Clark: We had an amazing birthday experience for our 7 year old daughter. Our instructor was an absolute gem! She challenged and supported each and every student. They all left fully in love with aerial silks. She even put on a little “show” with extra tricks for them to watch while they ate their cupcakes. Such a wonderful experience!
chockfullof: My daughter loves taking classes at Cirque de Vol! It's been a terrific confidence boost and the studio has become her happy place. We love that there's a non-traditional sporty option for her! Thanks!
Barbara Brutt: On a scale of cotton candy to Brussels sprouts, Cirque de Vol is grapes -- sweet and fun.I stopped in to Cirque de Vol while traveling, and I was able to do a drop-in class for their first week of a session. While the space seems well-loved, the rigging appeared to be safe, and I enjoyed the warm-up sequence.Parking was a nightmare as a non-local (I did do the process as prompted by the signs for paying for parketing), and I ended up getting a $125 fine (which has now been waived). Do your research beforehand for parking!
Tita: I am an active member of Cirque de Vol. I've pretty much took all their classes! It's a wonderful place to get creative, fit and build community.
Madji Namde: Daughter looooves it here, just make sure to email for contact rather than calling.
D L: Paulina was excellent! We had never done any aerial class and our group had so much fun. She was a great teacher and will definitely try other classes!!
Kimberly Phelps-Deaton: Natalia showed my child around the studio, she was patient, understanding, and high energy. My daughter LOVED her class.
Sarah Hayes: Highly recommend cirque de vol aerial classes! They are a great workout and so fun!
Mary Davis: ¡Increíble clase de zancos para principiantes! Instructores maravillosos, instalaciones y aprendieron mucho mientras se divertían. Me sentí bienvenido por todos, ¡absolutamente perfecto!
Kelly Buynitzky: El instructor fue de gran apoyo y aconsejó bien los próximos pasos después de una pausa de más de 4 años de las artes aéreas.
Mary Lee C.: Este lugar es una joya en el centro de Raleigh; puedes vivir en muchos lugares y no encontrar clases, talleres e instructores como este. Más allá de la serie de clases para adultos y niños, y los campamentos para niños, también han encontrado talleres únicos para cosas como la flexibilidad o la movilidad de la cadera, ¡y hacen actuaciones y cosas por el estilo en los lugares de la comunidad local!
Morgan Huet: ¡Ella ama las clases y los maestros de Lyra, semana tras semana! ¡Gracias!
Precious-Pearl Johnstone: Me encanta, me encanta, me encanta el estudio y el agradable personal, muy servicial, alentador y positivo, y me ha hecho sentir seguro a medida que aprendo y dispuesto a volver y seguir aprendiendo.
Ann Steele: Los profesores fueron excepcionales; el espacio era perfecto.
Samantha Riegel: Mi hija ama este lugar ❤️
Suzanne Smith: ¡A mis niñas les encanta su primera vez en el campamento ayer! Nunca había visto sonrisas tan grandes en ambos después de un día en el campamento. ¡No pueden esperar a volver! susie smith
Janee Fritz: . The instructors I’ve met so far have all been very kind and knowledgeable so I would recommend signing up for some drop in classes if you’re interested.(Traducido por Google
Katie Hamister: A mi hija simplemente no le gustan los deportes. Mientras tratábamos de encontrar su cosa, nos topamos con sedas aéreas. Ha estado haciendo sedas durante un año, se ha vuelto más segura y encontró su alegría. Me encanta este lugar y todos los profesores.
Beth H: Mi hijo de 7 años asistió a un campamento de verano de una semana en Cirque de Vol y les encantó. Todos los días llegaban a casa emocionados para contarme todo lo que aprendieron y practicaron. Al final de la semana, recibí un video de la rutina que hicieron para el campamento. ¡Fue tan agradable ver su arduo trabajo! Estaba realmente impresionado.

10. CorePower Yoga - Raleigh

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7504 Creedmoor Rd, Raleigh, NC 27613, Estados Unidos

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Megan Goulette: I just joined this studio after recently moving to the area and I cannot say enough good things! I tried several studios before choosing this one to become a member of. The studio smells so nice when you walk in, all of the instructors are so friendly and motivating during class, the classes are challenging and offer the perfect amount of heat. The locker rooms are state of the art, clean and modern! The schedule is amazing, they offer so many different classes/times that could work for most schedules. All around a really great studio and community of yogis.
Kayla Thielen: What a wonderful little studio! I went today for a yoga sculpt class and I’ve never sweated so much in my life. The studio had a wonderful vibe and a very cute set up! I will be back for sure.
Mary Mieure: Amazing yoga studio with a wide variety of classes and class times! Clean studio, friendly, knowledgeable staff!!
Ashley Clark: Awesome studio and wonderful instructors!!! Love the location and how clean everything is inside! If you are looking for a great yoga studio in the area, look no more. This CorePower is the BEST!
Wayne Riley: Great new CPY studio and in a great location. Studio is nicely designed and has good flow inside. So glad this studio is open and looking forward to attending many classes there.
Lance Williams: First class, new studio with locker room. Friendly, knowledgeable staff. Namaste! Wonderful studio.

11. YoBa Studio - Raleigh

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5003 Falls of Neuse Rd G, Raleigh, NC 27609, Estados Unidos

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12. Ashtanga Yoga School of Raleigh - Cary

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302 Pebble Creek Dr, Cary, NC 27511

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13. CorePower Yoga - Raleigh

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435 Woodburn Rd Space A0168, Raleigh, NC 27605

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14. Alchemy Hot Yoga - Wake Forest

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1982 S Main St, Wake Forest, NC 27587

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15. Bliss Body Yoga - Raleigh

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4035 Lake Boone Trail #111, Raleigh, NC 27607

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16. Yoga Legacy - Fuquay-Varina

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8105 Fayetteville Rd Suite 121-1123, Raleigh, NC 27603

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17. Gratitude Hot Yoga Center - Raleigh

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6909 Glenwood Ave STE 108, Raleigh, NC 27612

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