Mejores Entrenadores Personales Raleigh Cerca De Mi, Abren Hoy

Raleigh Personal Training Personally Fit Individualized Training, Inc. Fitness with Albert The Daily Boom Core Results Raleigh NC FITNESS CLUB V2fit Capital Strength & Conditioning FrontLine Fitness Melvin Moore Fitness

1. Raleigh Personal Training - Raleigh

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3601 Capital Blvd. Suite #117 D, Raleigh, NC 27604

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2. Personally Fit Individualized Training, Inc. - Raleigh



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301 N Boylan Ave, Raleigh, NC 27603

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Kathy Forrest: He estado trabajando en Personally Fit durante varios años. ¡He tenido tan buenos resultados! En una hora pasamos por cardio, entrenamiento de fuerza y ​​estiramiento. He perdido peso, he ganado amigos y me he divertido. He visto otros beneficios relacionados con la salud en términos de alivio del estrés e incluso fortalecimiento de mis huesos. Los entrenadores de Personally Fit se encuentran con todos donde están, compensando lesiones, articulaciones débiles y otros problemas que sus clientes puedan tener y nos ayudan a alcanzar nuestras metas personales con ánimo, humor y un enfoque cálido y personal para TODOS. Es un excelente lugar para hacer ejercicio y recomiendo encarecidamente Personally Fit.ACTUALIZACIÓN: Escribí la reseña anterior hace 8 años y quería que todos supieran que TODAVÍA estoy en Personally Fit por las mismas razones. Los entrenadores continúan siendo cálidos, agradables y conocedores de las áreas de salud y estado físico. Todavía tenemos un buen tiempo, en un ambiente alentador y acogedor. Los entrenadores están en constante aprendizaje, lo que ayuda a todos los que ingresan al gimnasio, esa es sin duda una de las ventajas de Personally Fit. Todavía recomiendo encarecidamente!
Ben Garcia: A través del entrenamiento personal y el asesoramiento nutricional que recibí del equipo de Personally Fit, perdí 22 libras durante los primeros 2 meses. Ahora que he logrado mi objetivo de pérdida de peso, hemos ajustado mi régimen para respaldar las ganancias continuas de fuerza y ​​el crecimiento muscular.Si estás interesado en obtener resultados, el entrenamiento personal es la forma más rápida, segura y sostenible de alcanzar tus objetivos. El equipo de Personally Fit tiene la experiencia para llevarlo a donde quiere ir y no puedo recomendarlos lo suficiente.
Alex Etkin: (Traducido por Google
Dorothy Norris: Tuve una sesión como invitado de amigos locales. Maravilloso. Chris trabajó con mi lista de ejercicios de fisioterapia en el hogar que había estado haciendo bajo el cuidado de mi quiropráctico e introdujo otros ejercicios. Muy alentador, así como una estrecha supervisión para realizar los movimientos correctamente. Y buenos consejos sobre el equipo. Mucho mejor que la asistencia que recibo en casa. Gracias Cris; Me aseguraré de hacer una visita la próxima vez que esté en la ciudad.
Laurel Young: Los propietarios son las personas más amables; ¡te harán sentir confiado y apoyado, ya seas nuevo en el ejercicio o un profesional! Instalaciones limpias, convenientes para el centro de Raleigh y mucha atención personalizada.
William Lincourt: Gran experiencia. 4 semanas y ya perdí 9 libras. Chris armó un programa que me salva las rodillas y los codos, pero aún así me brinda un buen entrenamiento de bajo impacto.
Caitlyn Noble: with great knowledge, passion and love for what they do! With their support, their strength training methods have completely transformed my body and the way I think about food + fitness. I highly recommend Coach Chris and his team to help you discover your fitness or health goals, then guide you to meeting them!(Traducido por Google
Lyssa Nieves: Recientemente escuché sobre este gimnasio en el centro de Raleigh. Fui a un campo de entrenamiento y terminé reuniéndome y entrenando con el entrenador Chris. Excelente entrenador!! Muy profesional y conocedor del estado físico... ¡y definitivamente me ayudó a hacer un buen ejercicio para comenzar el día! ¡Definitivamente regresaré por más!
Shannon Helm: ¡Chris, Leslye y el personal de Personally Fit son increíbles! Muy positivo y siempre me están animando a mí y a los demás. ¡Te ayudan a guiarte a través de tu propio viaje con el entrenamiento de fuerza y ​​poniéndote en forma! No importa su nivel de condición física, ¡están allí para trabajar con usted en todo momento! Me siento genial y lleno de energía cuando salgo de mis entrenamientos. ¡Recomiendo encarecidamente Personally Fit!
Jeffrey Davis: “Personalmente” Fit es solo eso. La capacitación no está estandarizada, está calibrada para encontrarlo donde se encuentre. es profundamente personalizado. Como beneficio adicional, ¡hacen que el entrenamiento sea divertido! Inesperadamente, mi experiencia con Chis, Leslie y su equipo ha incluido no solo un ejercicio físico, sino también orientación sobre nutrición y hábitos saludables más allá de mi tiempo en el gimnasio. Hacen un seguimiento y me han ayudado a establecer metas personales. En cuatro años, haciendo ejercicio 3 veces por semana, soy más fuerte/como mejor/duermo mejor/me siento mejor. Como anécdota, ¡también he perdido 40 libras!
Devin Butler: He tenido el placer de trabajar con Chris y el resto del equipo de Personally Fit durante los últimos 2 años. Chris se ha desempeñado como un gran socio responsable durante este tiempo y me ha ayudado a alcanzar metas que habrían sido difíciles por mi cuenta. Además, está claro que a Chris le apasiona mucho el bienestar general de cada cliente y trabaja para crear un excelente entorno familiar.
Jennifer Irving: Personally Fit es un gimnasio fantástico: los entrenadores son increíbles y los entrenamientos son motivadores, al igual que los consejos de salud, bienestar y alimentación. El entrenador Chris y el entrenador Dawn son muy amables, profesionales, motivadores y geniales. Este lugar es una joya. Mi hijo adolescente y yo nos estamos poniendo en forma y divirtiéndonos haciéndolo, ¡gracias a estos muchachos! ¡¡¡5 estrellas!!!
Vada Valdespino: Disfruté hacer ejercicio en Personally Fit durante mis años de escuela secundaria. Me siento muy cómodo y apoyado haciendo ejercicio en este gimnasio. Los entrenadores son flexibles en cuanto a horarios y es fácil trabajar con ellos, y crean entrenamientos que se adaptan mejor a usted y las mejoras que desea realizar. También dan excelentes sugerencias y hacen planes sobre cómo mantenerse saludable fuera del gimnasio.
Doug Yopp: El entrenador Chris es fantástico. No he hecho ejercicio regularmente desde la escuela secundaria. Necesitaba a alguien que me brindara orientación y conocimiento para hacer las cosas de la manera correcta, pero también que me mantuviera motivado y me ayudara a disfrutarlo. ¡Él marca todas las casillas! Además de eso, es realmente un gran tipo. ¡Yo recomendaría a cualquiera!
Shivani Mehta: Disfruté de mi experiencia con Dawn y Chris. Me ayudaron a aprender y comprender los ejercicios y me explicaron la teoría detrás del entrenamiento de fuerza. Fue agradable entrenar aquí y fortalecer mis músculos.
David Marobella: He estado yendo a Personally Fit por poco más de un mes. Soy el tipo de persona que tiende a hacer una dieta estricta, pero solo se afianzará por un corto tiempo. El equipo de Personally Fit me ha enseñado mucho desde que comencé allí y ya puedo decir que esta no es una sesión intensiva para mí. Este es un cambio de estilo de vida y estoy encantada de poder reconocerlo. Tomamos las medidas de mi composición corporal el 2/2 y luego el 3/6. Durante ese tiempo perdí alrededor de 5 libras, que no es una gran cantidad, pero perdí un 7,5 % de grasa corporal. Cada medida se redujo significativamente, aparte de mis brazos, que aumentaron de tamaño. El año pasado perdí alrededor de 30 libras en 8 semanas y me tomé un período de 6 meses sin hacer ejercicio y recuperé alrededor de 10 libras, así que no me estaba yendo tan mal por mi cuenta, pero no podría haber imaginado ver el cuerpo que tengo ahora. en solo un mes en Personally Fit. ¡El mejor consejo que puedo darte es que te comuniques con Personally Fit AHORA! Estarás feliz de haber dado el primer paso.
Nick Stanko: La entrenadora Leslye es una persona increíble que tiene un conocimiento extremo en la industria de la salud y el estado físico. ¡Gracias por todo lo que hacen!
Holly Bovio: Personally Fit es un excelente gimnasio boutique en el corazón del centro de Raleigh. Los propietarios tienen un gran conocimiento del estado físico y son los mejores entrenadores con los que he entrenado. Su conocimiento combinado con su enfoque personal para satisfacer las necesidades de cada cliente me ha ayudado a mantener y desarrollar la fuerza muscular. Recomiendo encarecidamente Personally Fit para cualquier persona que busque mantener o comenzar un viaje de acondicionamiento físico.
Robert Blanchard: and he’s been helping me with my takedowns b/c of his extensive experience in wrestling. But BJJ is not why I joined - I joined to loose weight. Coach Chris is helping on this journey. I highly recommend him for his knowledge, experience, and support.(Traducido por Google
dan thompson: more or less for years. I decided to commit to some workouts with a friend and client, Chris at Personally Fit. Two months and ten pounds lighter I have a better understanding of my body, motion and nutrition. And I am getting rest.It only takes a minute to see these two have " time in the saddle." They know their stuff, are committed to your wellness and are genuinely two of the nicest most upbeat people I know. If you truly want change you might start with Chris and Lesley at Personally Fit.(Traducido por Google
Matt Yablunosky: I've been seeking. Coach Chris heard my goals and showed me how to achieve them both in his gym and at my home.(Traducido por Google

3. Raleigh Trainer Fitness Boot Camp - Raleigh

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Barrow Dr, Raleigh, NC 27616

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4. Fitness with Albert - Raleigh

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7441 Deer Track Dr, Raleigh, NC 27613

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Megan McDonald: Como mujer de casi 40 años, he luchado por perder peso y desarrollar músculo por mi cuenta. Siempre he sido activo, pero perder peso ha sido cada vez más difícil a lo largo de los años. He estado trabajando con Albert durante aproximadamente 2 meses y puedo notar una diferencia mejorada en mi peso, masa muscular y salud en general. Albert es motivador y está muy bien informado... ¡y también es muy amable! Estoy agradecido de tener la oportunidad de trabajar con él. Veo que la escala se mueve en la dirección correcta y mi ropa me queda diferente. Estoy emocionado y comprometido con mi salud con la ayuda de Albert y su experiencia. gracias Alberto!!!
Luna Valentine: Excelente capacitación, costos accesibles y horarios flexibles. ¡Albert me ha ayudado mucho a aumentar mi fuerza y ​​mi capacidad cardiovascular!
Cecilia: 10/10 lo recomendaría. Conocí a Albert en Fitness Connection. Definitivamente sentí el cambio en la fuerza. ¡Es atento y me muestra cómo obtener los formularios correctamente!
Shellena Kirby: Definitivamente recomendaría a Albert como su entrenador personal si estuviera buscando uno. ¡Después de tu primer entrenamiento, volverás por más! Albert tiene mucho conocimiento como entrenador personal y está muy dedicado a ayudarlo a alcanzar cualquier objetivo de acondicionamiento físico que tenga. He estado entrenando con Albert durante unos seis meses y no me ha decepcionado. No tengo más que vibraciones positivas de él y tú también las tendrás. ¡Gracias Alberto!
Nichole Myers: Antes de encontrar a Albert, no estaba en un buen lugar con mi salud y ansiedad/depresión. Lo encontré en Google buscando gimnasios cerca de mí y apareció su nombre y, después de leer sus reseñas, decidí comunicarme con él porque aún no quería ir a gimnasios debido al covid y la ansiedad. Así que hice un acto de fe y le envié un correo electrónico a Albert para ver si podía ayudarme en mi nuevo viaje para estar saludable y fue muy cariñoso y genuino y me hizo sentir muy cómoda y no juzgada por tener sobrepeso. Albert está muy bien informado y realmente se toma el tiempo para descubrir exactamente en qué necesita trabajar su cuerpo y concentrarse en esos puntos. Tengo artritis en ambas rodillas y él sabe cómo acomodarme para que no tenga dolor después de mi entrenamiento. Se toma el tiempo para conocerte a ti y tu situación y darte consejos y sugerencias sobre cómo llegar a tu meta. Mantiene los entrenamientos divertidos manteniendo tu mente fuera de eso contando chistes todo el tiempo todo lo que hacemos es reír. Desde que comencé mi viaje con él, he notado tantos cambios en mi cuerpo, cómo la ropa me queda diferente, he perdido pulgadas en todo mi cuerpo. Comencé mi viaje con 325 libras y he bajado a 296 libras. Mi cuerpo es más fuerte en todas partes gracias a su experiencia en Hilt Training. Recomiendo encarecidamente a Albert a cualquiera que esté listo para lograr sus objetivos y comenzar su viaje de pérdida de peso porque será un gran apoyo para usted en todos los sentidos. No puedo esperar a ver mi progreso con Albert para sentirme bien y recuperar mi confianza y mi autoestima poco a poco, cada libra que pierdo.
Curtis Watkins: Albert realmente sabe lo que hace cuando se trata de entrenamiento físico. Él sabe exactamente qué hacer para aprovechar al máximo tus sesiones y dejarte feliz con los resultados. Recomiendo encarecidamente su servicio de entrenamiento personal!!!
Masha Dowell: Albert ha sido un enviado de Dios para mí. He subido mucho de peso durante la pandemia, y desde hace unas semanas trabajo con él. Aprecio su severidad, la educación que me brinda mientras entrenamos y cómo me desafía. Su personalidad es muy amable también. Tengo mucho camino por recorrer para alcanzar mis objetivos de salud y, de hecho, estoy muy contento de trabajar con él para lograrlo. Recomiendo sus servicios. Es extremadamente profesional, atento y educado en el entrenamiento personal.
Barbara Brijaček: Highly recommend(Traducido por Google
Jackson Bowen: Albert is everything you want in a personal trainer. Besides the obvious of being extremely knowledgeable, he connected with me immediately and I trusted that he genuinely wanted to help me reach my goals to lose weight and be healthy. He is always there to celebrate my victory's when I text him that I fall through my "homework". He is also fantastic with my kids! My daughter is very shy and he had her smiling and laughing in minutes. My son struggled to give his best effort but Albert had him sweating hard! Can't say enough about this trainer!
Amanda Pierce: Albert was great! I worked with him for about a year, and he always had new exercises for me to try. He was very personable and knew when to push me harder on my good days and when to change things up on my not so good days. I highly recommend working with him!
Vicky Libreros: Albert is a great personal trainer. He helped me to believe in my capacity to succeed in my workout needs and helped me to keep motivated and strong. I highly recommend him!Vicky
Jackie Boyd: My husband and I really enjoyed having Albert as our Trainer...He always have best work outs ..we always get great results....
Foy Irby: Five PLUS stars!! Albert is the best! You never get the same workout twice - he always mixes it up. He will make sure you are doing the exercise CORRECTLY and is very professional. He is super positive and funny! I am enjoying seeing true muscle definition and look forward to my workouts. I am the type of person that hates going to the gym to work out by myself. He is also super flexible with scheduling. I can't say enough good things about Albert!
Larry Porter: My wife and I trained with Albert for 12 months before COVID. Albert was very responsive & accommodating to our needs. We highly recommend him as a personal trainer.
Carol Laundon: I would highly recommend Albert for your fitness training. I have been working with Albert for over a year now and he continues to keep me focused and committed during our weekly workout sessions. He is absolutely the best personal trainer I have ever worked with. Along with a renewed drive to stay healthy, I now make the right diet choices to support my progress. I’ve also discovered new confidence after losing inches of fat over our first six months of training. I look forward to each session!
kathy driggers: Positivo:Calidad,Profesionalismo

5. Body Alliance - Raleigh

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Bellingham Cir, Raleigh, NC 27615

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6. Form Fitness Personal Training - Raleigh

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5313 Sendero Dr, Raleigh, NC 27612

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7. The Daily Boom - Raleigh

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6503 Hilburn Dr, Raleigh, NC 27613

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8. FormFitness Personal Training - Raleigh

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6612 Falls of Neuse Rd, Raleigh, NC 27615

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9. Core Results Raleigh - Raleigh

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1330 St Marys St a001, Raleigh, NC 27605

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Neill Robson: I've been going to Core Results for about four months and have had an incredible experience.As a young professional with a fairly sedentary office job, I wanted to take steps early on to improve physical health and build good habits for the future. Trying things on my own was not producing much change, so I started seeking recommendations for gyms and trainers.Core Results was the first place I visited--and I didn't have to look any further! The trainers work specifically and individually with each client. Not only do they build fitness programs catered to each individual's goals, they also build personal relationships with their clients. The gym itself is well-maintained and organized: the only people in there are trainers and clients (no individual folks just wandering around).On one occasion, my trainer had a last-minute conflict. But as I was about to leave, another trainer approached me and asked if I'd like him to throw together a quick circuit for me, just so I could get some activity in. Within minutes, he figured out where I was physically, put together some exercises, and got me a full workout prepared, all while also helping his own client!Over the past few months, I've already seen great progress in terms of physical strength, but more importantly I've built great habits and good relationships with the folks there. I'm grateful for the excellent community that Core Results has created.
Lauren Dunseath: I'm a competitive fencer, and I've been training with Raymond for about a year. He's great at checking form to avoid injury and get the most from each exercise. With his expertise in martial arts, he understands what movements and muscles I need at my disposal. He's a good motivator and changes the workouts up to keep it interesting. The gym itself is clean, friendly, and never over-crowded. This is my first experience with a personal trainer, and they made me feel right at home very quickly. I look forward to my time there!Update 6/22/23: I'm still training with Raymond years later, which is a testament to what he has done for me. I have won numerous medals- including at the national level- in no small part due to his help. He also trained me through my entire pregnancy and got me back into shape afterwards. I felt completely safe and very strong. Core Results went out of their way to take care of their clients during the pandemic, and they are continuously updating their equipment. I have also had sessions with Aaron, the owner, and very recently with Markell. Both were excellent. Markell has a lot of knowledge about training athletes and had challenging yet fun workouts planned. I will happily work with him anytime. I still look forward to my time here each week!
david white: I have been working with Markell for a few months now, and it has been fantastic! I was really starting from the ground floor and Markell has been great at showing me proper form and how to set and achieve my short and long term fitness goals. I recommend Core Results for anyone looking for high quality personal training from fantastic personal trainers.
George Barutis: I've been working out at Core Results for nearly four years. Their personalized approach to fitness and individual goals sets this place apart from all others. I'm now 58 years old and stronger than I was in my 20's. Flexibility, endurance and overall fitness have improved dramatically. They care as much about your fitness if not more than you do. If you’re serious about getting back into shape this is the place! Howie Patterson has been working with me and his professionalism, knowledge and friendship have inspired me to continue to improve my overall well being. Recently, Core Results changed ownership. At first I was concerned things might change. Things have changed and for the better I'm happy to say. Sparing no expense there is now 2 ply toilet paper in the bathrooms, new artwork on the walls, and the roomba is operating at warp speed. During your workout you'll be inspired by the music of Captain and Tennille, Peaches and Herb, the Carpenters and the never ending hits of Will Smith. Out of 5 stars Core Results is a 10! Seriously, I was old, lazy, soft, tired but I knew I had to change. This is the ONLY place to change who you are, IMO!
Laura Dodd: I have a weight loss goal for an upcoming medical procedure that I have to meet which brought me to Core Results. The owner paired me with Markell and he has been awesome. He is incredibly attentive to details, provides the most solid workouts catered to me - changing them up enough to where I don’t get bored but repeating the exercises needed to prove/show progress. If you get the chance, you should absolutely sign up for trainings with Markell.
Colleen Jordan: If you’re searching for personal training services customized to your unique needs all provided in warm and friendly boutique environment, look no further than Core Results Raleigh. I have been training with Tyler for 5 years and have yet to be bored during a workout. Tyler is passionate about fitness and it shows in his enthusiasm for his work and care for his clients. At almost 50 years old, I’m in the best shape of my life. Tyler pushes me beyond what I believe I can do and the results show. He listens attentively and creates new and different workouts designed to meet the goals I’ve set for myself. It’s the best investment I’ve made in myself. I love training with Tyler at Core Results and look forward to my next session!
danielle mayes: Love Aaron and his facility, very clean and professional place to get personalized training. Also, love working with my trainer Tyler, he makes the most out of my workout and changes it up frequently. He likes to push me out of my comfort zone , I always feel like I put a great workout in when I leave.
Erin Shriver: I was not at all surprised to see that Core Results has 5-stars with that many reviews. First of all, the facility itself is very clean and well organized. They have all the equipment one would need to have a high variety of workouts for people at all different fitness levels. Also, since it is all personal training, the workouts are customized to you so you are not pushed past what you are able to do which really reduces the chances of injury. This approach also meant we started seeing great results in a matter of weeks. Overall, the feeling you get when you walk in the door and the process they put in place to help you achieve your goals could not be better.In addition to the great facility and process, they appear to have great trainers across the board. My husband and I have been working out at the Raleigh location with Tyler Coats for the last 3-months and we honestly could not be happier with him. He is always prepared to start as soon as we walk through the door and he mixes up the workouts each week so it does not get stale. All of the other trainers appear to be very professional and highly prepared as well.Again, Core Results really is deserving of the 5-star rating and I could not recommend them more!
Heather Therien: I can't say enough good things about Core Results Raleigh. I've been working with Howie for about 10 months. In that time, I've gotten stronger, discovered muscles I didn't know I had, completely eliminated my back pain through increased core strength, and experienced a huge boost in my self-confidence. Howie has approached every goal I've brought him with enthusiasm and care. I feel supported and challenged, but I also feel safe---as a woman in a gym environment AND as a newcomer to weight training, this is incredibly important to me. The space is clean and well-equipped, and everyone (clients and trainers alike) is encouraging and friendly. I look forward to every session at Core Results---even the ones that make me curse!
Betsy Hood: Being in my early 70’s, I feel both privileged and fortunate to be on the receiving end of all Core Results has to offer! I have been coming to Core Results for 10+ years. When they reopened their doors after Covid, my former trainer did not return, thus Aaron became my trainer. My experience working with him has been so exceptional and so beneficial to my overall health that I’ve now transitioned from working 2x a week with him to 3x a week - twice a week at the Raleigh location and once a week at the Cary location. Though slightly different in size and positive vibe, both locations are equally outstanding!Aaron’s knowledge and love of not only his vocation but also his clients, is evidenced in his professional knowledge and training skills, his genuine interest in me and my needs, his close attention to developing a varied personalized plan for me - unique to my “getting older” needs and goals, and his training style with its perfect blend of challenge, encouragement, affirmation, ever-present and difference-making small tweaks in my form, and lastly - MAJOR RESULTS! There’s a marked difference in my physical strength, endurance, balance, energy, and mental sharpness (plus, the bonus of looking better)! Yes, the investment of working with a personal trainer is more costly than classes or a gym membership, but the payoff is well worth it! I look forward to the workouts and can’t imagine going anywhere else, or working with anyone else!
Sam Chawla: I cannot say enough great things about this place!My dad had a stroke in 2015. That prompted me to want to up my fitness routine and make sure I was making the best use of my time. Previously I had just been doing a lot of cardio, but knew that I needed to start incorporating strength training into my workouts.Core results has really helped me accomplish this while teaching me good form and keeping the workouts fun and fresh! Having a personal trainer has been the ultimate accountability partner. There is someone there waiting for me to workout whether I feel totally up to it or not. Lastly, the "personal" in personal training has been really helpful. They are able to work around several orthopedic issues (knees/lower back) and still provide robust workouts. In fact, my lower back pain has gotten much better with strengthening my core and posterior chain, exactly as they said it would.The environment is not intimidating. There are lots of friendly faces, making this a great place to embark on one's journey to health. If you are considering investing in yourself, in this way, Core Results is an awesome partner. That is why I have remained a client for the last 8 years. I would not hesitate to give them a call.Sam
Chris Richter: I’ve been going to Core Results and working with David since fall 2022. It’s the first time I’ve worked one-on-one with a trainer, and I have had a great experience. David knows his stuff, and he has met me where I am with my fitness level. He mixes it up from session to session, so I never feel like I’m in a rut (and his PT background comes in handy when I have random aches and pains). The facility has all the equipment you would need for a complete workout and is always clean and well-maintained.
Ashley Forbes: Before Core Results i have not had good experiences with gym trainers but my trainer David is the best. I have been the him about a month so far and my experience has been great. The workouts are definately challenging but doable. He is patient with me and encourages me to power through when i want to give up. I love the fact he is PT he always makes sure my form is correct and is mindful of my injuries. I look forward to working out now David definately makes it a fun experience. I alway feel motivated when I leave.
Tom Valentine: Receiving personal training from David at Core Results Raleigh has been a great experience. David is warm and friendly and creates a very comfortable, accepting, and encouraging environment. His background in physical therapy gives me confidence in his guidance, especially regarding proper form and injury prevention. The facility itself is well-equipped for personal training and is always very clean. I highly recommend David at Core Results Raleigh.
Wanda Jackson: I love Core Results! I've been working with Raymond for years, and he is a super attentive personal trainer. I've hit the "aches and pains" phase of life, but I feel stronger than ever.
Mackenzie Cox: I have been working with Aaron for over a month now to work through injuries and improve overall strength and have already noticed improvement in both areas! I have gotten to a point where I look forward to our sessions and always leave feeling like I got a great workout.
Andy Standen: Howie is great. Patient and considerate. Willing to change the workout plan to meet my needs which can be challenging. My core strength has improved significantly.
Mintoria Stockton: I started training with David about a month ago and I already feel stronger and can see the results in the mirror. He gives you a great workout while considering past injuries. However, he deserves 5 stars because his positive energy is so motivating!!
Ashley Gross: David is my trainer. He is fantastic both a physical therapist and trainer so he is able to help me avoid any injuries and work around my limitations. Very comfortable and helpful trainer that is great for both beginners and professionals!
gillian akabi-davis: I've been going to Core Results Raleigh for over 18months now training with Howie. My experience has been awesome. Howie is a very knowledgeable trainer always making sure I'm doing my exercises in the correct form and technique. His workouts are challenging but encouraging. Howie has helped me built my strength, stability, endurance, overall fitness and exercise at a level I never even thought possible for me. Even though I have some issues with my knees, he always finds the right exercise for me. He always comes up with something different to push me to my full potential. I have lost about 20lbs since I started exercising with Howie. I never used to like going to the gym, but ever since I joined Core Results I actually look forward to my exercise sessions weekly. I'm so much stronger now than when I first started. Howie also has a great sense of humor and makes my exercise sessions fun.
John-Paul Smith: I requested a personal trainer as a wedding gift. My wife and I have been working out with Khris since last October. It’s been great for our minds, bodies, and marriage. Highly recommend!

10. NC FITNESS CLUB - Raleigh

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3917 New Bern Ave, Raleigh, NC 27610

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Jay H: ¡Lo mejor en el negocio!
Crystal Brophy: No firme un contrato con estas personas.
Mars C: Súper buen ambiente!! ¡Me sentí muy cómodo trabajando aquí y ME ENCANTÓ el lugar!
MJ Worldwide: Gimnasio local independiente con personal inspirador y programas bien organizados. Con planes de comidas y entrenamiento detallado con métricas, este es un gimnasio para personas que buscan un cambio medible. NC Fitness club es el camino más enfocado y estructurado hacia el bienestar y un estilo de vida saludable. Acogedor para todos y no abrumador o intimidante como los gimnasios de box más grandes. Sin cámaras y sin drama. Fitness boutique en su máxima expresión. Local y de calidad. Prueba NC Fitness.
Munah Benson: Comprador cuidado 😡😡😡😡Si pudiera dejar cero estrellas lo haría. No te dejes engañar por las 5 estrellas. Si las miras verás que es del día 1. Mira las estrellas que están diciendo la verdad.La comunicación es muy pobre. Mi entrenador tardó una semana en responder cuando le envié un correo electrónico acerca de venir a mi entrenamiento y, a veces, no respondió.Dewayne hace la inicial y luego no se vuelve a saber de él.El plan de comidas era una broma, no pude entrar después de dos semanas. Nunca recibí ayuda cuando pregunté repetidamente. El sitio web se cayó y no funcionaba.Dewyane solo me respondió después de que amenacé con demandar. Ahora para ser dichoTienes que enviar una carta certificada para cancelar.Esta es una compañía de cebo y cambio. Si te tomas en serio perder peso, únete a un gimnasio de renombre con entrenadores acreditados.Esto es lo que obtengo por querer apoyar un negocio propiedad de negros.
Colette Jackson: Todavía trabajando con Kareem. Estoy deseando continuar. Definitivamente está agregando cosas progresivamente para que pueda obtener los resultados que quiero.
Jasmine Lovett: No se puede cancelar a menos que sea por incapacidad permanente o mudanza.
Shawana Canty: I just recently joined NC Fitness club, thanks to Mr. Dewayne Thomas for getting me started on my journey. My personal trainer Kareem is awesome he is very professional, positive and passionate in helping you focus on your personal goals and getting you were you need to be
Tonyetta Perry: BE WARNEDI signed a contract under the impression that this was a pay as you come ordeal. I specified that I only wanted to do a weekly account because of cost and I wanted to try them out before committing to more time, which he seemed to understand and confirm. At no point did he mention a 3 month contract of $150 a month, or else I would not have signed. The contract itself is not clear in this regard. I've called and he says there's nothing he can do about it.You are grimy and this is terrible business practice. Instead of recommending people to your business, I will absolutely be warning them.
Teshanee Williams: The staff are awesome and the gym is clean. I would definitely recommend.
Michael Watkins: Very excited and ecstatic to be training at Nc fitness Dewayne motivates me and pushes me every session. As well as Bree and Wendy. They stay on top of me and make sure I’m following my meal plan. Couldn’t have chosen a better place to get my health back on track. Recommend highly to anyone needing help getting their health in order.
Ombese Nyachae: Don't Do It . I wont waste anytime putting any reviews here ! Words of the wise ....RUN. Thanks but NO THANKS. Darn shame we trust and try to support our own kind and they play games. People like you make it difficult to support black businesses ... you know you can be honest and succeed ?
Jason Taylor: I started back in February but had to stop due to a surgery in March. Since then I've picked up where I left off and I'm not looking back. Dewayne is the homie and I trust him. Bre, is my trainer is wonderful. She's very compassionate and holds me accountable if I'm taking shortcuts or not following my meal plan. I can go to them about anything and they're very knowledgeable. I've already expressed to them that im extending my contract and even when I reach my goals, I'm still going to keep going. I love this place and I look forward to the future. I would highly recommend.
Aaron King: Feels like home. Great place to workout and staff is very knowledgeable and will customize a plan for you. If your serious about losing weight you should go here.
Mz. Tee: It's a good place. Keeps you going even when you don't want to go.
Ashakee Dixon: I've been going to NC Fitness over four years. Dewayne has helped me tremendously in my transformation. I enjoy" getting it in" with NC the NC Fitness team. Thanks for the push and support during this journey. update....still getting it in at NC Fitness for 2022. Im motivated to make me better in 2022! Norman has been amazing to work with! Lets get it in!
Mevy Vazquez: Mi entrenador DT es el mejor!!😊💪🏼👏🏼
Taneisha Stancil: Si no te gustan las multitudes cuando haces ejercicio, échales un vistazo. ¡Los PT realmente te empujan a dar lo mejor de ti!****Actualizar****TBH este gimnasio porque más como una familia, conocer a los diferentes entrenadores personales y todos ellos presionándote incluso si no son tu PT, dice mucho. Me gusta aquí. Si sigue las instrucciones y los consejos de su PT, ¡VERÁ resultados garantizados!
Will Williams: Grandes entrenadores, gente increíble.
Derrick Daniels: Excelente entrenamiento. Kaitlyn y Dwayne realmente te empujan y están llenos de conocimiento. Gracias a los dos. Estoy muy contenta de haberme unido.
Pauline Muanda: Los entrenadores son muy comprensivos, trabajan con mi horario loco y veo muchos cambios en comparación con cuando comencé a entrenar con ellos hasta ahora. Desearía tener fotos para mostrarle al mundo, pero desafortunadamente no las tengo, pero recibo muchos elogios de familiares y amigos por lo bien que se ve mi cuerpo.

11. Susan Caldwell, Certified Personal Trainer - Raleigh

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10930 Raven Ridge Rd, Raleigh, NC 27614

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12. Form Fitness Personal Training - Raleigh

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8863 Six Forks Rd, Raleigh, NC 27615

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13. V2fit - Raleigh

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3915 Beryl Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607

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14. Form Fitness Personal Training - Raleigh

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408 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27603

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15. Real Fitt Workout Center - Raleigh

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1500 Brookside Dr, Raleigh, NC 27604

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16. The Exercise Coach - Raleigh - Raleigh

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3739 National Dr Suite #110, Raleigh, NC 27612

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17. Healthy By Design - Raleigh

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2115 Cowper Dr, Raleigh, NC 27608

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18. Capital Strength & Conditioning - Raleigh

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2422 Atlantic Ave, Raleigh, NC 27604

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19. FrontLine Fitness - Raleigh

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3209 Gresham Lake Rd Suite 157, Raleigh, NC 27615

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20. Melvin Moore Fitness - Raleigh

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428 Hill St, Raleigh, NC 27610

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